There are no translations available. Trans-Onego Enduro 21-24.02.2013Petrozavodsk, Karelia, Russia
The adventure kiting race-enduro on Lake Onego in the teams of two kiters. The organizer of the competition - the kite-club "Ugol Ataki" (Petrozavodsk, Karelia, Russia). The partner - the travel company "" (Petrozavodsk, Karelia, Russia), +79114052000, This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it ,
The event schedule: 21.02 (Thursday) 10.00 am The briefing meeting in the conference hall of the hotel "Onego Palace"; 21.02 (Thursday) 11:00 am The start; 21.02 - 22.02 (Thursday - Friday) The stop for the overnight; 22.02 (Friday) 06.00 am The race goes on; 22.02 - 23.02 (Friday - Saturday) The stop for the overnight; 23.02 (Saturday) 06.00 am The race goes on; 23.02 (Saturday) 18.00 pm The finish, the race control, the fixing of the location, the identification of the teams which did not finish and their transfer to the finish line. Within 500 meters from the finish line the participants will be provided with: - a warm place to spend the night in their sleeping bags; - a sauna; - the dinner. 24.02 (Sunday): - 10.00 am The awarding ceremony; - 12.00 The bus transfer to the hotels; - 14.00 Gathering together in the bar.
The competition rules. Date: 21.02.2013 Start-11.00, closing at - 18:00 23.02.2013 The venue - Lake Onega. The planned total course distance: 255 miles. The competition takes place only in the team standings. The team - 2 people. The overall standings for male, female and mixed teams. The team must name its Captain to the chief of the race. The team captain is responsible for complying with the command of this manual, must avoid the divergence of the team members from the sight of each other. If the team requests the transport before reaching the finish line, or in case of an emergency situation, or in case loosing the vicinity of each other, the captain and another member of the team are required to send an SMS with the exact coordinates (WGS 84 format) to the chief inspector of the distance, as well as the voice duplicate information by telephone being in contact with the head of the distance and / or the controller, to stop the motion and wait for the further instructions of the race's chief.
The team is disqualified in case one member of the team is apart from the other beyond the vicinity of each other at any stage of the race. The participants of each team will have the right to replace any equipment in the course of the race, on the condition that they carry it themselves. It is possible to move by kite, skiing, walking at any time at the discretion of the participants, except in the period from 22.00 to 06.00. During this period participants must set up tents to have a rest. The start is common. The passage of the starting alignment is designated by the race master before the start. The start is open for 30 minutes. After this time the team that has not crossed the start-line is not up and running and to be disqualified. The teams which started are entitled only to the equipment which they carry on their own including the organization of the camping. During the competition it is not allowed to use the premises except for the shelter equipped at the checkpoints. The passage of the control points is not more than 50 meters from the mark or the point in the area with the specified coordinates. At the served checkpoints - the mandatory rest is 30 minutes; it is possible to charge the mobile devices (phone, GPS, etc.). The winners are determined in the finish protocol. The test time finish - the last team member.
In the credit outcomes are: -the time to reach the finish; -the distance to the finish in straight lines between points laid on the location of the team (at the time of the team out of the race or at the end of the race control time) and the following checkpoints, from the nearest one by the course of the race.
All the teams are required to report on the course its location on 23.02.2013 18.00 pm to offset. They are controlled by the panel of the judges based on the finishing protocol and, if necessary, the data from the GPS devices of the participants.
The weather restrictions. The race is held regardless the strength of the wind or its complete absence. The teams can make their own decision about the movement of a ski tour, skiing, and walking. In some exceptional cases, when the wind speed exceeds 25 m/s, with the existence of some threat to the safety of the participants, the race may be either postponed or terminated by the Chief of the race with the mandatory notification of all the members over the mobile phone and the instructions for some further action. The participants must acknowledge the receipt of the instructions by an SMS and a voice call.
The action in an emergency. In the event of an emergency the team members produce a report to the chief of the distance by the mobile voice and an SMS, with the indication of its location (the geographic coordinates of latitude and longitude, or upon failure of GPS, for signs to landmarks or the most exact location by dead reckoning). More, the participants act according to the instructions of the head of the race.
Each participant has the right to ask for the transportation to the nearest command or control point to the finish line at any time in case of any emergency. All the participants and their equipment must be ready for towing behind a snowmobile.
The liability of the members. Each participant: - must have an insurance against accident; - must wear a safety helmet in the race and in the competition area; elbow pads and knee pads are recommended to be used too.
The organizers are not responsible for the loss of life; the loss of property; or for any physical damage which took place during the event.
The entry fee: 1500 roubles (about 40 euro) from each participant. The insurance is not included.
The distance: The checkpoints: Start Petrozavodsk 61 ° 47'47 .95 "N 34 ° 22'38 .87" E
Cape Besov Nos - Lighthouse 61 ° 40'20 .91 "N 36 ° 1'18 .52" E
Vasilisin Island - Lighthouse 61 ° 48'23 .36 "N 35 ° 41'15 .67" E
Kizhi Island 62 ° 3'51 .38 "N 35 ° 13'33 .16" E
Klimetsky Island - Lighthouse 61 ° 48'9 .79 "N 35 ° 14'37 .44" E
Shardon Islands 61 ° 56'42 .90 "N 34 ° 44'27 .35" E
Island Monak - Lighthouse 61 ° 50'37 .71 "N 34 ° 45'27 .56" E finish in Petrozavodsk
The competition's organizers keep the right to cancel the passing of some control points, or change the order of their passage depending on the actual weather conditions and the weather forecast.
All the changes must be discussed by the parties not later than the prelaunch briefing at 10.00 am 21.02.2013
Appendix № 1. The list of the necessary equipment (the underlined one is obligatory and can be verified by the organizers or subset before the race!).
Ski Boots Ski Poles Skins (or wax) Kit for skis (and bindings) The kite (s) The harness The repair kit for a kite (some additional slings, belts (for a kite-fix), a sewing kit The wire (for repairing fixtures) The sleds or a sled or a backpack The flashlight The shovels The ice screws The folding tool kit "all in one". The First aid kit medical aid kit The Scotch tape
The helmet The clothing for movement and parking in winter conditions (hat gloves insoles, some thermal underwear + an extra jacket, sunglasses, the shoes to use in a tent) The GPS, Compass The maps The telephone (in a protection pack) + the phone list with the numbers of the necessary people; The walkie-talkie A set of spare batteries, batteries for all devices.
The camera
The thermos, water bottles The food supply for at least 5 days. The burner, petrol (or gas) The sleeping bag (must be for the arctic climate in the winter, up to -20 'C) The tent, tent repair kit. The rugs The soap toothbrush + toothpaste and a toilet paper Each team must have at least one set of rockets + cartridges
The application form: 1. The team's name; 2. The participant's name and the surname; 3. The date of birth 4. The home address and the phone number; 5. The personal contact details: the cell phone number, the email address, the skype, etc. 6. The contact details of some relative/relatives; 7. The kite experience, the participation in competitions; 8. Why TOKE? 9. Any additional useful info (optional); 10. Foto.
Appendix № 2.
The technical staff. The contact data and functions: Providing the start, the finish, the instructions for the participants, providing the staff everything which is necessary, the course notes, the emergency information, the location control of the participants, providing the search and the transportation, the communication with the emergency services. The equipment check points on the course, the organization of the supervisors at the checkpoints and the support for the teams to ensure the long run. The head of the distance moves by snowmobile during the competition and, if necessary, organizes the search and the transportation of the participants. The Chief race may attract the volunteers among the participants to help with the search and the rescue operations.
The controller of the race. Keeping the start and the finish in the protocol fixing the time of the arrival of the team, or the location at the time of the selection of the team; receiving protests.
The accompanying snowmobile. The accompanying snowmobile moves during the competition and, if necessary, in the coordination with the Chief of the distance, searches and transports.
More people accompanying by snowmobiles. The equipment for the start, the control points, the coordination of the interaction and the communication in case of failure or any difficulties in the communication with the head of the distance or when the emergency services are needed. The equipment information stand - the distance diagram, the instructions, the contact information, the lists, the reports, the weather forecasts.
The coordinator in Petrozavodsk provides the equipment for the start on the first stage at 09.00 am 21.02.2013, the test equipment of the participants, the license plates, the collection of the profiles and the transfer, the fixing time of the arrival of the participants, the assistance for the participants at the finish line (the meeting, information, etc.). During the race, he is a representative in Petrozavodsk. He also provides with the information support (the notification of everything which concerns the race, the publication of the information on the Internet, the providing the interaction with the emergency services and the information on the distance - weather, emergency facts, etc.); organizes the work of some volunteers in Petrozavodsk.
The Emergency Rescue Service - the short number from a Russian mobile phone - 112.
If you have any questions, please feel free to ask: Natalia Alufyorova
Director travel company tel/fax: +78142 565046 mobile: +79114011101 office mobile: +79114052000 office skype: around.ru_petrozavodsk personal skype: Aluferova Natalia email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it Petrozavodsk, Karelia, Russia